If you follow me anywhere else on social media, besides this woefully neglected blog ~ LOL!, you will be aware that my 2016 Literary Cats Calendar Kickstarter fundraiser went live on Friday night (Sept. 4th).
I am hoping to publish a sequel to last year’s Literary Cats Calendar, featuring 13 of my brand-new original cat paintings (including my recent Alice in Wonderland cat portraits of the Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts).
Here is the official cheesy video I created for Kickstarter, in which I spent over a minute just introducing myself…
I am designing the calendar myself (in Photoshop), just as I did last year, and I also plan to use the same printing company to produce them.
This year, I hope to raise $1,000 ~ which will cover the cost to print 150 calendars, plus associated shipping costs, Kickstarter fees, and the purchasing of ink/paper for all the rewards.
If we receive our funding goal, I will be aiming to ship these calendars to backers by mid-October. :)
The purpose of Kickstarter is to encourage fans to pledge now, rather than waiting until the product is released to the public… because without the support of backers, many projects will never see the light of day.
So creators offer incentives, such as free prints and merchandise, which are exclusive to Kickstarter backers who show their support by pledging early.
I will also be completing two new paintings for this calendar: a Thanksgiving-inspired portrait for November, featuring a pilgrim cat and a Wampanoag native sharing a bountiful harvest; and a Santa Claus Cat Christmas painting for December.
The work-in-progress pictures will ONLY be shared with backers of my Kickstarter project. I will be sharing video clips as well as many photos of these two paintings, from the initial sketches to the final touches. The original paintings will also be available to purchase via two $300 Reward Tiers.
The campaign will run through Friday, September 25th, 2015. 11:59PM EST.
These are Limited Edition calendars, which will be individually signed and numbered by me.
I will only be ordering them once, and any remaining calendars will be sold at retail price ($20) in my Etsy shop and from me personally at shows this fall.
Please consider supporting this project either by pledging for a calendar (they make great gifts!!) or by sharing this project with your friends. Thanks so much! <3